Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bird's Nest

This is another all time favorite in our house!  It's so simple, but so much fun!

I take every pillow I can find and make a giant circle with some of them (I can't think of the exact number off the top of my head).  Then I add another layer and if I have enough pillows a third layer on top.

Next, I get a few big comforters or blankets and put them on top of the ring of pillows, tucking them under the outside of the ring of pillows. I have a giant brown comforter that I save for the last layer, it will cover the entire thing and give it a good "nest" look. :)

Once you've covered the entire nest with comforters, it's time to play!  ABC love to be baby birds in their giant nest!  It's even more fun to get gummy worms to surprise your little birds with.

I came up with this a couple of years ago, and it's still one of their favorite games.  After they fly around and take a few (pretend) naps, it's a very cozy place to read a few books, play a board game or even snuggle up with their special blankies to watch a movie.

There are so many different things you can do!  I love coming up with something like this and seeing where their imaginations take you.  Sometimes they (and us) just need a starting place!  Have fun!

Tweet-Tweet! :)

P.S. Please feel free to comment and share your ideas/thoughts!  I'd love to hear what you think! Thanks!!!


  1. Lol, I love your name! ;) I will get some up soon! I scoured my computer and couldn't find one...guess what I'll be doing this week? Thanks! :)
